Saturday, September 17


Hello again
Well….when I got home from Edmonton I had some probs with my Eudora Email system. I could send messages but I couldn’t receive. My “computer” guy was over and got me up & running. It seems that while I was away Sympatico changed some of their configuration parameters and so many things had to be changed in the Eudora set up, that coupled with the fact I had changed passwords only added to the problem. My “computer guy” made all theses changes seem as easy as falling off a log, then again he DOES have a degree in computer engineering.
Another first …… for the first time since I can't remember when I slept in till almost 10:30!!! Then it was off to Chez Cora’s for breakfast then back here to blog with you guys.
The photo was taken in the executive offices of We-Met Ventures, ok ok, Dave's spare bedroom
Hang fire …. Be cool