Thursday, November 9

We Shall Not Sleep, Though Poppies Grow.....

When we look a Remembrance Day Services at this time of year we see the faces of the old. Old men with wrinkled faces, old ladies who can barely or not walk at all fill our TV screens & newspapers.

I think although we see faces weathered with age, elderly who gimp, they were once young. They didn’t ask why they were going to war, and probably didn’t consider some wouldn’t return. Some even lied about their age so they could go. Would that happen today, I think not.

Some came home without their friends (remember they were probably in their 20’s) They cried now and they cry today.

Imagine if you best friend died tonight. Would you cry of course you would? Would you cry in forty years, the good Lord willing of course you would.

The men and women who are still with us, who wear the poppy, who tear with saluted pride, ask little. They ask that we take time and remember, not them, but their friends who didn’t return with them.

Take two minutes on the 11th at eleven o’clock. Look at that poppy, and yes the wetness on your cheek ……………is a tear.


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