Saturday, January 28

The Final Frontier ??

I was going over some news this morning and was reminded that it was 20 years ago that the space shuttle Columbia blew up into pieces shortly after take off.
I was working at the Astral Photo in Les Jardin Dorval and went to visit my friend Rob who worked in the camera dept. in The Bay.
It was there as I passed the TV department that I watched as the shuttle blew to smithereens.
At that time we had accepted space travel as common place, as normal as flying to Toronto or driving up the 20 to work.
When I was a kid I would get up at the crack of dawn to watch an Apollo flight leave Cape Canaveral and then days later watch it splash into the ocean where the astronauts, would be quarantined for days incase they had brought back “something” from outer space.
I remember holding my breath years later as space ships went to the far side of the moon, where no communications could be established…..
And don’t get me started when I watched as man landed on the moon.
That’s one small step for man ……


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