Friday, February 17

Now That's Train Travel.

I live about one kilometer from the Mercier Bridge, there my story begins.
Today that was filled with gale force winds up to 107 Km/h causing havoc everywhere. Multiple vehicle accidents abounded, including one of over 60 cars near Ottawa and one of about 40 near the Montreal area.
Although there were fatalities, nothing prepared me for what I was to see on my way home.
There on the Mercier Bridge as large as life as I approached to drive under the structure was part of a train (about six cars) hanging over the water at a forty-five degree angle. The wind had taken these cars of about a ninety car train, and played with them. Now, normally (so I’ve heard) this particular train would have had sulfur dioxide on board. This could have been phenomenal in nature.
It will be some time before all is well. First the weather will have to settle (and that could be some time) Then they will have to bring in cranes to right the slanted cars, carefully move the train and hope for the best. How they will get the cranes near the train is yet to be seen, maybe even from water level or from a weird angle from shore.
The usual trek along lakeshore from the bridge to my apartment would be under five minutes, now because of detours and traffic volume, forty minutes.
Ya gotta love Montreal winters.

hang fire .... be cool


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