Thursday, August 6

And That's Why you don't Stand behind a Golfer

This week the very talented golfer Tiger Woods was participating in a PGA tournament.
Had I known I might write this blog I would have paid closer attention to which tournament it was and on what hole the story takes place.
If you know feel free to leave the infor on my comments section
But, I digress Tiger was about to T off when the unmistakable sound of flatulence (a fart) was heard. Mr. Woods stopped, and I quote said “Are you serious?” Now given the current state of telecasting equipment it could have been Tiger perhaps one of his entourage or a member of the public gallery.
Let’s assume for the sake of levity it WAS Tiger I see to the chagrin of Steve Williams (Tiger’s caddy) a new sponsor for the pro duffer and that company would be Depends.


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