On a Jet Plane
Tonight I was “Youtube ing” and came across some Peter Paul and Mary videos.
P.P. & M was the first concert I ever saw in my life maybe back in the early to mid sixties. It was so early that like TV the concert may have been in black & white……heheheee
If memory serves me the ticket was under ten dollars and at Place des Arts, (the Salle Wilfred Pelletier) I went by myself I didn’t care, I was a rebel and knew AND understood every lyric of every song. At the intermission I had a cola and a plain end Gitano cigarette (that’s ok there was no cancer back then)
I don’t remember the Metro from back then so I guess I took the #15 bus back to Atwater (when Ste Catherine was a two way street) and the 107 to Beatty and Verdun Ave, across the street from the House of Tom then walked back to 411.
I had all of their albums to the chagrin of Ellie & Eric (mom & dad) and David (brother) who on more then one occasion hid them from me so I could not play them on the blue Fleetwood stereo ( the one with the detachable wing speakers) which was in the room we shared on the second floor of a triplex on Osborne Ave in Verdun. We lived above the Reece family and below the Nadeau sisters.
I don’t believe Peter, Paul & Mary concert any more, but if they do Ill be there
There was another group about that time I think they were called The Beatles, I wonder what ever happened to them?
Gentle readers Peter, Paul and Mary
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