Wednesday, January 3

2007 ....No Way !!!

Well we made it, or I hope at least I hope you did, it’s 2007.

Much preverbal water has passed under the bridge and here we are 2007. So much has happened some of it good, some not so good. We as humans tend to focus on the not so good.

This year has been mixed for me; the prostate thing really knocked me out but the support from friends & family more then compensated for the down side.

I hope your’06 wasn’t too grief filled and that the positives out weighted the bad column

I imagine it is easy to spread a happy message and pretend that all is shinny & bright, in truth reality demands that bad things happen and we are directed more readily to these matters.

I wish you a better 2007 then was 2006, may the joys you had be doubled and the sorrows reduced. However with out sorrow we can not recognize the joys

May 2007, bring you’re the joy, mixed with the challenges you need to recognize the upside


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