Thursday, June 28


It’s June 28th
The world will turn as it should with laughter and tears as there is every day.
Children will be born and some people will die.
This day fourteen years ago my dad and my brother’s dad passed away.
He died in a home in Guelph Ontario. I learned of his death at about eight P.M. after I had come in from a bike ride on a muggy night much like tonight.
I spent the night in reflection. The next morning I was on an Air Canada flight to Toronto, where Dave picked me up.
Dave and I several years earlier had made pre arrangements for this occasion but we didn’t know that the end would come this soon.
His funeral was a simple affair. It took place at the Gilchrist funeral home in their chapel on July 1st after a brief visitation period. Reverent Ben Johnson conducted the service. After the service we had arranged for a small reception held in the parlors lower floor. It was attended by a few family and friends. I’m not sure why but I do remember my cousin Greg being there.
After the reception we went back to Dave’s home where we “enjoyed” a proper wake where we talk about Eric.
Some time (days I imagine) my father was cremated at the Woodlawn Crematory and then his ashes were flown back to Montreal where he now lays resting with my mother Ellie.
The Busseys weren’t a huggy group. We missed occasions when we should have said I love you, but I know we felt it in our hearts.
I am certain that what sense of humor I have came from my dad. This attribute has got me through a lot, especially these last years.
In closing, let me say Mom, Dad, Dave I love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Burd,
Now I know you must be the smart have a way with words that is hard to beat,
Thanks for being "YOU"

Thursday, June 28, 2007 12:29:00 AM  

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