Friday, August 7

So you wanna be in Radio

It’s a sad day for Montreal.
Eight members of the CJAD staff have been released from their positions. Many of them were on-air personalities. Rod Dewer who has been there since the floors were wet was amongst them, Peter Anthony Holder who worked just about every shift and supplied most of the jokes you read here is gone as well. Lauri and Olga…gone. Al Gravel, a stall work in the industry moving on. Cathy Colombe a news person has done her last cast. Skip the promotions director has been released as well. Trudy who use to do her show with her husband Kevin, will dedicate more of her time to the newsroom, that leaves Kevin more time to care for the kids.
The one closest to me Lawrence, or his on air name Jake Lawrence has had to hand in his pass card and keys. I have known Lawrence for many years, but he is a professional and I am sure he will land on his feet.
Montreal English radio however is a tough nut to crack. The three major English stations are owned by the same company, Astral Media. Not only are they owned by the same group, but all three stations are in the same building.
Radio is a strange bed fellow, one moment you are on the air, and when you leave the studio after your show you can be told that you no longer have a job,pre notice could be dangerous, imagine getting that news and having access to a mike & an audiance which is why most keep an updated air check tape.
To all I wish the best, thanks for the memories
P.S. Yet they kept Tommy sad .... sad


Blogger Unknown said...

I have to agree. The cuts they made were not necessarily in the right places.The only thing we can do is not listen nut they own the other stations too...John

Sunday, August 09, 2009 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Evans said...

Disappointing to say the least- the fact that there is a massive monopoly on the radio stations is most disappointing. Cuts are tough in any business and understandable but reasoning with employees and finding middle ground may have been a better solution instead of outright 'laying' people off. There are many ways to profit from a business and cut from other areas. Getting rid of classics and legends of radio is not the way to keep your listener base. Without those very listeners, there is nobody to listen to the advertising in which they profit from- what were they even thinking?

Sunday, August 09, 2009 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Lawrencce said...

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Keith's Thoughts said...

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 3:24:00 PM  

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