Yesterday I got my A-H1N1 flue shot.
I first called my LaSalle CLSC to find out where I could receive my inoculation and if I qualified for front line receipt. I was told I could go to the LaSalle General Hospital (room 123) and indeed as a health care worker (I’m a floor clerk at a pharmacy, go figure)
I went to the hospital and parked at the hockey arena (too cheap to pay parking at the hospital)
As I walked to the doors of the LGH I prepared my mind to wait hours to get my shot.
I was informed that the clinic was in the basement next to the cafeteria. I took the elevator down one floor and followed the signs to the room. At the entrance I was asked my a security guard for my medi-care card and proof I was a health care worker ( I had brought a pay slip to prove the same)
I held my breath approaching the room to await a huge line-up. There was NONE I was received immediately and my credentials recorded.
I got the shot and was informed I had to wait fifteen minutes prior to departure, for which they had space in the cafeteria area.
Total time from entering to exiting the hospital, thirty-five minutes,including the fifteen minute waiting period, not the hours and hours seen in the media.
Then I went to Moores to spend my fifty dollar gift certificate. Got gas, and spent some at the SAQ
Having 3 asthmatics in the house, two under the age of 5, we waited with baited breath to find out if our family doctor was administering the H1N1 vaccine. The line ups at the local community centre were 6-9 HOURS long. Media Reports indicated that some in line were sick and not practising good hygiene while in line. Inconsiderate in my opinion.
Called the doc's office on Monday and got an appointment for the same day for all of us. In and out in 15 minutes. Kids have to go back in two weeks for their booster H1N1.
My advice, call your family doc first if you have one. Less wait, less contact with large crowds and then there's the familiarity factor, and the trust factor. That goes a long way when a "pandemic" is looming.
I'm glad for you Keith and I totally agree that you are entitled to get the shot, even if you're a floor clerk. You work in a pharmacy and there is a high probability that some of your customers are sick.
You didn't wrote who was holding you down while you got the shot ;).
Funny guy Adam :)
Same for me only I got it done at Carrefour Angrignon on Thursday. I could have gotten it a week ago, but I didn't realize I was on immuno-suppressants. I know.. d-uh.
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