Thursday, July 20

So Far the Day Sucks

Good Mornin, well at lest I hope yours is. Last night /this morning whatever I think I got a grand total of maybe three hours sleep. The problem in multifold. First I think my lower region has become impervious to the effects of Tylenol, a constant pinching sensation persists To describe further would be way to graphic and frankly pointless to you gentle reader.
Around 2:00 this morning there was a grind, a whir, and a chunk chunk as the best fan I have in the apt. came to an abrupt halt. Sure I have another in the office but its cooling attributes is somewhat overshadowed by its ability to compete on a decibel level with a small jet engine. I can sleep with noise but not that noise.
Most of the time I described so far was done while attempting to find rest on my couch in the living room ( the room that allows the best air flow). Between all the hours above I tried watching TV. Listening to the radio, and even silence which may have worked excepted for that damn fan.
At one point in time I thought maybe the bed would be better be better,larger surface, etc etc . BUT apparently my sheets and catheter hose didn’t like each other.
I’m not sure when I finally fell to sleep but I do know it was after five.
I ‘m hoping to grab some zzzz during the day

hang fire .... be cool


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