Sunday, September 17

Let's Not do THIS Again !

It started Friday. Dave (my brother) and I left for the Verdun General around 10:15, arriving there at about 10:40. We checked in at the nurse’s station where they weighed me and made sure I had a valid Medicare Card. I was given a “Johnny” coat, and told to wait. They hooked me to an antibiotic drip in preparation of the adventure. After about two hours I was wheeled into the operating room where I received an epidural. I was eased onto the operating table and it was there I realized I would be able to watch the whole thing on a monitor. I watched as Dr, probed and scraped with various tools of various length and use. When the operation was done I was in recovery until the epidural was wore off ( about two hours) and then brought to my room, just in time for supper, oh goody salmon something or other. At least the dessert was good. That night I was hooked up too another antibiotic drip and glucose thing. Flash forward to Sunday, at about six AM they removed the catheter and was told that when I could “go” on my own I could go home. Dave picked me up around eleven and here I am now. I still for now pee a little blood, and there is some leakage. Both of these are expected. I am sure there are details I’ve forgotten, but there you are … sketch. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.


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