Monday, December 31

Not From Dick Clarke

Hi…’s hours before 2008. Much has passed and much of I’ve I have shared with you.
May 2008 bring you joy and happiness.
Thank-you for reading my blog this year.
May there always be smoke in your chimney.(as in fire in your hearth, not heart, hearth…you look it up)

Friday, December 28

Last groan for ’07 (maybe)

A man walks into a bar. He sees two pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling and asks the barman, "Why are those two pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling?"

The barman replies, "It's a competition which we run every night. If you can jump up and touch the meat, you get free drinks for the whole night."

"Great!" says the man, "but what if I can't reach them?"

"Then you have to buy all the drinks for everyone all night," the bartender answers. "Do you want to try?"

"No, but thanks anyway."

"Why not?" asks the bartender.

"The steaks are too high."

Friday, December 21

Be Careful

It’s the holiday season, with Christmas about four days away and New Years celebrations not far behind.

Too many people are killed on the roads because of drinking and driving, so I’ve provided a “driver” for you although a putter or a six iron will do the trick.

If you find someone who wants to drive after drinking hit them with it, and hide their keys.

Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 20

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Hello….. been awhile.
I was computerless for awhile, and I had the blog blues so I didn’t write BUT four days ago we had a 40 cms snowfall (for you non metric people, that’s about 100”) Streets and roads around my building were thigh high in drifts of the white stuff and I loved it,

I was also reminded that when I was a little boy (thanks to Timber Tom on the Howdy Doody show)I wanted to be a forest ranger or a snow blower driver, guess where my heart is tonight

Thursday, December 6

WOW !!!

It's the sixth, so here's the site of the month.
This game is on line,
buy one for a friend for Christmas (hint hint)
See you in '08

Saturday, December 1

The Car is Broken

The car won't start," said a wife to her husband. "I think there's water in the carburettor."

"How do you know?" said the husband scornfully. "You don't even know what a carburettor is."

"I'm telling you," repeated the wife. "I'm sure there's water in the carburettor."

"We'll see," mocked the husband. "Let me check it out. Where's the car?"

Replied the wife, "In the swimming pool."