Saturday, August 25

Door to Door

The neighborhood postman was retiring after 30 years. On his last day of delivering mail, all of the people on his route left him something in the mail box in honor of his retirement. Some left money, some left small gifts, and some met him at the door and invited him in for a drink.

As he was putting the mail in the mailbox of the last house, the door opened, and the woman of the house stood there in beautiful lingerie. She invited him inside and led him upstairs where she made mad passionate love to him. After their lovemaking she led him downstairs where she prepared an exquisite dinner for him.

He found a dollar bill under his plate as he ate and asked her about it. She explained, "When I called my husband to tell ask him what we should give you for your retirement, he said, 'screw him, give him a dollar.' Dinner was my idea."

Thursday, August 23

Guess Who

I haven’t forgotten my blog really.
I started my new job the day after my last entry and things are different. I now work at the Centre Hi Fi on Cote des Neiges. I travel my public transport. I take the #106 bus followed my the metro to the Guy Concordia station ( eight stops I think ) then I board the 165 or the 535 bus to 6600 Cote des Neiges. The trip takes about one hour.
My day starts with trying to find the power up switches for about fifty flat screens. Then I do my best to stay outta the way of Anna the manager as well as Steve and Daniel and another guy whose name I forget. I am trying to learn the cash system which if you can believe it isn’t windows based. I am also trying to learn T.V. systems and a myriad of other necessary skills.
The store is located near a plaza where I spent about fourteen years with Astral (aka at the time known as Miracle Mart camera dept)
I have found my place for my morning coffee ( MMmmmmmmmmm Muffins) and after less the two weeks the girl knows what I like in my pre work necessity.
Well that’s it for now

Sunday, August 12

Pressing News

Two politicians are standing in front of a store window. The first one says, "The people are always complaining about how expensive everything is. But they're wrong. Just look at these prices. $20 for a suit, $15 for a pair of pants, $5 for a shirt, $8 for a dress."

The other one hisses, "Take a closer look. This is a dry cleaners."

I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I Can

Good Sunday
Tomorrow is the first day of my new job at Centre Hi FI. I am anxious and apprehensive all at the same time. Yesterday I bought a bus pass and will try public transport to work for the first time in a decade. I don’t think I’ll be there as long as I was at Astral, but ya never know. For those of you who know about new starts you can feel my vibes. Anyway I’ll write when I have a few days under my new belt

Tuesday, August 7

A Simpler Time

Today is strange.
I am in front of my computer, using the cutting age of technology and was sent a video via face book to a Monty Python skit. After I had seen a few Python skits it occurred to search for Peter, Paul and Mary.
I was tossed back to my youth. Many of the songs in concert were in black & white. I remember going to their. concerts at Place des Arts. I was in my teens, as I remember the tickets being about 8$ Songs were of the anti war /peace type. They were the full show no fancy stuff, no opening act. They sang, there was a 15 minute intermission and they sang again. I sang along to every song: “Times are a Changin”, “500 Miles “ “Blowin in the Wind”,"Puff the Magic Dragon (yup just about a little boy & his dragon)"There is a Ship" "If I Had a Hammer" I knew the words cause I had all their albums.
Two guitars, three voices.
Thank-you P.P.& M.

Monday, August 6

Site of the Month

Here ya go Keith's site of the month
Have fun !

Saturday, August 4

It’s Like a TV Right ?

Today I received a new monitor. It is an IBM G74.
Correction ….. it is new for me, given to me by my good friend Adam. It looks much the same as my old monitor, except it is much brighter and easier to see.
Imagine what’s gonna now, before with the old monitor that I could hardly see I was on the computer 1000 hours a week, now who know?
I also took the opportunity to straighten out all the wires behind the computer wow !!! Now that’s exiting. !! I found wires that nowhere, eight business cards and twenty-six cents, awesome