Thursday, September 29

Thar She Blows

Guess what woke me up at three this morning ….
Noisy neighbors??, no
A fire in the building ??, no
I had to pee !!! ?? no
The damn wind, wow what a noise. The window was partially open and the whistling was wild. The slat blinds were clattering against each other, the windows were shaking in the frames and debris from the street was hitting the building.
BUT I did get back to sleep (people with a clear conscious can do that.)
The alarm went off around seven and I was out of the apartment my seven forty-five.
The wind was still a blowin.
The tree in the parking court had lost a fair sized branch a few feet from my Honda.
Then it was off to work on the 20 West ….. there should have been a small car warning in effect.
Both hands on the wheel through a deadly merge ( with traffic from The Mercier) and both hands on the wheel all the way to Fairview.
What an interesting start to the day.
hang fire .... be cool

Wednesday, September 28

Joke du Week

Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?"
"Because white is the colour of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."
The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"
hang fire .... be cool

David Dingbat

What Mr. Dingwall did was abominable
The spending of Canada’s population’s money is unforgivable. He & his clan spent funds like it was going out of style. Huge meal and hospitality submitted receipts were in the hundreds of dollars, and even $1.37 for a pack of Dentyne gum. ( but a least he chose a good flavor)
His biggest error was that he was found out.
I dare say that anyone with an expense account ( which I don’t ) would do the same thing, stretch it till it could stretch no more, unfortunately he was spending my money .
Shame on you Davey.
hang fire .... be cool

Friday, September 23

Glug, glug glug glug

Last night, all of a sudden, I developed a rather huge wet spot on my floor. We checked next door to see if the neighbor had let his bathtub overflow, he wasn’t there.
…………Flash forward to the present. It seems that my ceiling is full of water !!! Years of leaking from upstairs neighbors
Now there is a plumber here with four HUGE holes in my ceiling and water water every where not to mention plaster, isolation, and tar paper all over the floor.
The plumber found the source of the dismay in my ceiling and repair work is underway.
Next week ( I hope Luis the janitor ) will plaster and paint the ceiling
(if it is dry enough )
Found out the whole pipe in the ceiling has to be replaced, and what does that mean ?, tearing down more ceiling. Oh boy !!!
Now you may ask, why doesn’t Luis ( the janitor ) have a key ? Well he did. two in fact, one he forgot to get back from a former contractor and one he says I never gave him (ya right) So who would you trust ??
Oh well Happy Birthday to me.
hang fire …. be cool

Thursday, September 22

It Gives Me Gas ( if I could afford it !! )

The rising price of gas makes me ill.
I am more then convinced that recent hurricanes are not the soul reason for the increase. I believe that the greedy scum sucking dogs at the oil companies are using these disasters, to line their collective pockets.
What if the oil companies stepped up to the plate and said one cent from every liter / gallon sold would go to a disaster relief fund? I haven’t word one about these “sons of guns” helping in the least.
I also am convinced that my one cent theory make increase more acceptable and tolerable.
Now I’ve done it…… I’m back on my rants
Hang fire …. Be cool

Wednesday, September 21

Nose to the Grindstone

Two weeks sure goes by quickly, but back to the store it was for me today. Not much had changed, in fact nothing had. Well there was one strange happening, before I left we hired a new part timer, two weeks later we are looking to hire a NEW part timer, stuff happens.
I went to work with the right set of key ( I brought the wrong set once, it doesn’t have a store key on it ) It was a good job too, cause I was opening. Got most of the paper work done, the a little after nine Nathalie, showed up, a great way to start the day. There were no warehouse deliveries, so that made it easier.
It was kinnda of a quiet day today so no complaints here
Ya !!!!! two more days then it’s my day off

Hang fire …. be cool

Tuesday, September 20

Joke du Week

At a boat-rental concession, the manager went to the lake's edge and yelled through his megaphone, "Number 99, come in, please. Your time is up." Several minutes passed, but the boat didn't return.
"Boat number 99," he again hollered, "return to the dock immediately or I'll have to charge you overtime."
"Something is wrong here, boss," his assistant said. "We only have 75 boats. There is no number 99."
The manager thought for a moment and then raised his mega-phone: "Boat number 66," he yelled. "Are you having trouble out there?"

hang fire .... be cool

Bye Bye Summer

Well it’s only seven thirty and its already dark outside. Soon it will be winter and snowing and we will regret complaining about that string of thirty degree weather days we “suffered “ through in July. As I get older, I find summers shorter and winters longer and more intolerable
Besides that it’s back to work tomorrow, cheery huh ?
hang fire …. Be cool

Monday, September 19

A Great 2 Weeks

Well it’s Monday and one day before I’m back to the store.
I had a great vacation, with special thanks to Kathy & Dave.
I got to go to Hay River (That’s in the NWT) and the furthest North in Canada that the railway goes, cool huh?
Am I lucky?? You bet I am, I have the best brother ever!! Thanks again Dave.
hang fire .... be cool

Sunday, September 18

Spoiled Again

Another Sunday night, another great visit with the Brookes Family. As usual I was well feed (chicken & ribs on the barbie, rice, and a home made yummy banana cake. ) The real bonus to these visits is the company, Jo as always the perfect host, Terry making snuggles with Patricia and the bride to be Wendy

hang fire .... be cool

Saturday, September 17

Breakfast Anyone... ???

This blog should have been posted eailier ( before others,) but………
One morning Kathy made a man sized breakfast for me, eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, orange juice etc etc.
The following morning I asked Dave to get me breakfast too….and I got the same
eggs, ( not cooked ) bacon, ( raw ) toast, (bread) coffee, ( unmade ) and orange juice ( no need for a glass )
Oh Boy !!!!
Hang fire …. be cool


Hello again
Well….when I got home from Edmonton I had some probs with my Eudora Email system. I could send messages but I couldn’t receive. My “computer” guy was over and got me up & running. It seems that while I was away Sympatico changed some of their configuration parameters and so many things had to be changed in the Eudora set up, that coupled with the fact I had changed passwords only added to the problem. My “computer guy” made all theses changes seem as easy as falling off a log, then again he DOES have a degree in computer engineering.
Another first …… for the first time since I can't remember when I slept in till almost 10:30!!! Then it was off to Chez Cora’s for breakfast then back here to blog with you guys.
The photo was taken in the executive offices of We-Met Ventures, ok ok, Dave's spare bedroom
Hang fire …. Be cool

Friday, September 16

Rain Again ....

It (the weather) rained, a lot when I was in Alberta, now it’s overcast & looks like rain here (Montreal) I’m getting a complex
Major rain predicted for tomorrow, oh well……..
hang fire …. be cool


Friday morning, 1 AM....... ( must be the jet lag :) ) damn I hope I get tired soon
hang fire .... be cool

Thursday, September 15

Home Again

Home again, all flights on time & door to door nine hours, thirty-one minutes.
Many thanks again to Kathy & Dave for everything
Back to work Wednesday
hang fire … be cool

Wednesday, September 14

Well There Ya go

My last night here in Edmonton and I was surprised. Dave got home from work ( ya work )and a short time later I received a double chocolate birthday cake, and a super fine comfy, blue surge house coat....thanks guys
hang fire .... be cool

They Were Right

I was told.........informed.......... regulated and even warned.....if ya don’t like the weather here in Alberta wait ten minutes
They were right this morning it was sunny, then cloudy, a few hours ago it was sunny again, now it’s snowing ....kidding but the weather can change here in hours
hang fire .... be cool

Joke du Week

First they gave me an appreciation for jokes, then a memory for jokes, then a place in the world for me to post my favorite jokes ... silly people

The Ecuadorian captain had grown increasingly anxious over rumours of an impending air strike from neighbouring Peru.
"Pedro," he ordered his aide-de-camp, "I want you to climb that mountain and report any signs of Peruvian military activity."
"Si, Capitano," replied Pedro. He trudged up the mountain, and as soon as he crossed the ridge he saw a squadron of planes heading their way.
"There are many planes coming, Capitano," he promptly radioed back.
"Friends or enemies?" the Captain demanded urgently.
Pedro again lifted his binoculars to the sky. "They're flying very closely together, Capitano," he replied. "I think they must be friends."

hang fire .... be cool

Home from The NWT

Well back from The NWT, what a drive lots to see. The hwy there is fairly straight and a good place for cruse control. There is however no stops along the way with Provincial rest areas to ah errrrrrrrr hmmm well you know. There are however many towns with full service places
( phew !! ) I can only imagine how tough the drive can be in winter with blowing snow.
Most of the route is two lane hwy so caution is key.
As one enters the NWT there is a visitors information center. It is a warm inviting and interesting start for a visit there. There were two dogs to greet us and a warm host with equally warm complementary tea and coffee
Hay River is a town with about 3,000 people. There seems to be an abundance of shopping places to cater to all needs. I saw one school, ( purple brick outside) one huge apartment building, three bars, and six motels. The area also has several native built stone structures. Those we met seemed friendly.
Fuel there was if I remember 1.13$ / litre. Coffee was 1.25$ I bought the coffee, Dave bought the fuel.
The drive back took us about the same time but ..... it rained most of the way , but thats not a problem I slept, Dave drove and bought the fuel.
Well thats about it for now If I remember more I’ll reblog
hang fire .... be cool

Monday, September 12

...........We're Off..........

Hello, hello, in less then an hour Dave & I are off to The NWT.

Write when I get back
hang fire .... be cool

Sunday, September 11

Still on Vacation

Hi There
Well still on vacation here in Edmonton Alberta ( as opposed to Edmonton, Italy )
Kathy & Dave have gone to work ( heheheh Dave working :)and left me alone with Patches & Motly ( the kitties ) It’s alright there is coffee and plenty to eat & drink.
Tomorrow Dave & I are off to The North West Territories ( Hay River, some 1046 Kms away)
The drive is about eleven hours and the photo opportunities are promising
hang fire .... be cool


September 11th 2001.
Least we forget
hang fire .... be cool

Saturday, September 10


Got to the West Edmonton Mall this aft. Took me a while but I counted about 435 stores, one or two of them were shoe or clothing stores. There is also an amusement park ( complete with a roller coaster, which of course I rode, NOT !!!. )
If you go to Guests Services Center ( the information booth) you c an down load a map of the place on PC or palm pilot.
And what mall be complete without a few hotels, three radio stations and a NHL regulation skating rink.
If you plan to go be prepared to spend a few hours walking around before you see the whole place.
Oh ya and attend the sea lions show, go to the mini putt and Mmm check out the food courts.
Or just visit @
hang fire .... be cool.

It's The Week-End

Eight twenty-four, Saturday morning here in Edmonton, but then again it’s probably eight twenty-four in a lot of places. Raining again but that’s ok the company is good & the coffee, hot & plenty. I ask Dave to cook me some bacon & eggs ....might be a while.
Not sure what the plans are for the day, I pretty sure it won’t involve bicycling, the rain however did not change my jogging schedule as usual I didn’t.
Much to the relief for many of you the jokes have slowed down, but they’ll be back and I may even blog one a week.
Well thats it for now TTYS
hang fire .... be cool

Time Zones

Can't believe it
It's only 10:31 here ( Edmonton ) and way past my bed time in Montreal, yet I'm still awake...sortta, maybe
hang fire .... be cool

Friday, September 9

Filled to the Brim

Wow !!!
Pork chops, tatters, green beans, pickled carrots, corn on the cob, if I could cook like that Id never need the Domino’s number again.
Thanks Kathy
hang fire .... be cool

Me Again

Just re watched the movie Phone Booth ....damn it's a fine movie.
I watched it with my brother Dave & his best friend Kathy.
It's still rainin here but thats ok... I'm vacation and couldn't ask for more.
I however have been bitten by the LCD monitor bug, Dave's is so neat .....and a space saver ( and if you've seen my desk :( )
( take that Martha Stewart)
hang fire.... be cool

..........Later That Day

Well it's later then when I started with this blog site. ( figured that out all by myself )
The weather here in Edmonton is overcast & rainy and looks like it may snow. Dave & Kathy are keeping me well nourished & watered.
I was thinking about a rant but right now, Im in too good a mood to complain.
I have figured out how to access my Email & stuff so that’s a good thing too. The natural disaster in the U.S. dominates CNN but that’s the way the yanks love it.
It has also occurred to me that September now seem to be a month of sorrow as in a few short days we will be marking the 4th anniversary of Sept. 11th
As I think of things to say I will "reblog" so you may see postings a plenty ....and maybe then none for days on end
OK ..........that’s it for now,
hang cool
Well this blog thing is new to me but I hope to use it to rant, give news ( about me of course ) and spread gossip :)