Thursday, November 27

One for the Road

A man walks in a bar and orders five Tequilas. The barman lines them up and the guy downs the first, third and fifth drink.

Puzzled, the barman asks him why he didn't touch the other two.

"Because" came the response, "my doctor told me it was OK to have the odd drink!"

Tuesday, November 25

A Christmas Party

Wow, times passes fast. My last entry was for Remembrance day some fifteen days ago.
So here goes, in this time of economic strife many companies have cancelled or scaled back plans for employee Christmas parties.
Not so the case for Jean Coutu Pharmacy (who I will celebrate my three month anniversary next week)
The party will be a “small one” (two stores involved maybe some 150 people) The meal choices are three, which we pay for on every cheque. The menu includes cocktails and wine on every table
BUT BUT BUT the amazing thing is that the management has agreed to close the store two hours early so that those who are at the store for the ten o’clock closing can be on time for meals start.
I find that amazing, don’t you ?
Mike & I have plans :)

Monday, November 10

Between The Crosses Row on Row

It is not the 11th yet, but close enough. I am fifty-eight years old. In my memorable life time I have not had to face the ravages of war, I have not had to bury friends because of conflicts.
What amazes me is that eleven o’clock when we (hopefully) stop our day for two minutes we remember those who died for the cause think of the men and women who were killed for us, as old frail men and women whose bodies are now giving in with the age that time has passed.
The fact is those who died were young, vibrant youths whose life had but begun. They were in their late teens or early twenties,some even lied about their age to serve us.
In two short a time those left will as well pass too,
There are 525,960 minutes in a year take the two they deserve
Least we Forget….

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Friday, November 7

Hail to the Chief 4

Might not last but for now (even with writers) Oback is a hoot.

What a way to Go

The woman opened her front door to find her husband's boss standing there. He said, "Polly, can I come in? I've got some terrible news, I'm afraid."

"Is it about Jack?" asked Polly.

The boss said, "I'm afraid so. There's been a terrible accident down at the brewery. Jack fell into a vat of beer and drowned."

"Oh no, my poor Jack!" sobbed Polly. "That's terrible. But tell me, did he at least go quickly?"

"I'm afraid not," said the boss. "In fact, he got out three times to have a pee."

Thursday, November 6

Hail to the Chief 3

Almost 45 years ago President Kennedy was assassinated (Nov 22nd 1963) (remember where you were?
On the link that is here is the man who excites me as (almost) much as John Fitzgerald did. Time will reveal
God bless America

Tuesday, November 4

Hail to the Chief 2

The United States of America has a new president
God Bless America

Monday, November 3

Hail to the Chief

In just a few short hours ours neighbors to the south will select a new country head guy (hence a new world leader)
Popular opinion has Oback as that choice (mine as well) (the Kennedy of 2008)
But given the undecided vote (5%) I predict that John McCain will be elected, which means that within his term America will have its first female Vice President. (OMG Sarah)
Sorry, but John will pass and decease (age factors) before 2012 as Oback , would have been assassinated during his first term (nut cases in America)
God bless America