Saturday, January 30

Flaps Down

As is the norm in Montreal, several times a winter a bone chillin day can happen. Temps can plummet to polar bear levels.
Today was such a day. With the wind factored in the temperature was about -30c.
You can dress in layers, put hand warmers in your gloves and yes wear long johns (you the ones with the trap door) but -30c is -30c. Today and yesterday were such days, tomorrow…..???
It takes the car heater for ever to get toasty and of course waiting for a bus is a challenge.
So with my new hat, I faced the chill of a Quebec winter and with winds blowing off the St. Lawrence River, I made it a two flaps down day.
At least there are no mosquitoes

Friday, January 29

Bye to Radio

As of 7 PM tonight there is no 940 AM radio.
Right now and as of 10 AM this morning they play just a loop of the demise,
Some how 940 was CFCF the first radio station in North America.
Slowly but surely AM radio in Montreal is disappearing, Montreal, Canada’s greatest city. Second to none
I love radio those of you who know me know that.
We have CJAD and to have that we are to put up with Tommy.
I guess there’s always satellite radio OR CFRB on line, with brilliant broadcasters like Bill Carroll
I did a search on Google and as of yet I was unable to find an entry to accompany this blog.
Thank-you 940

Saturday, January 16

Pants on the Ground

If ya need a laugh, then here ya go
This from American Idol, and General Platt takes on the Hip Hop movement, that encourages its followers to sport their pants half way down their legs, and hats sideways.
General Platt is way past the age limits for A.I. but fun.

Friday, January 15

I Salute You

Now…I am not a Yankee doodler, nor an Obama lover but kudos to the Americans. Countries through out the world are quick to condemn the states when ever they make an unpopular move in the world. They burn their flags and hang Osama in effigy
BUT the moment the Haiti tragedy too place the U.S. were the first to get on the bandwagon and get things moving.
Damn whom you must, but be sure they are amongst the top humanitarians on the earth, God bless America.

Thursday, January 14

Hum that tune

Go ahead have some fun

Wednesday, January 13


Today I dedicate my blog space to Alex, Alex Franzidis. On Saturday I will attend his interment, he was sixty-four and expired from pancreatic cancer.
Alex was my regional manager at Astral Photo for many years. In the time we shared together, I was his communications guy for the stores in our region, more importantly I was a store manager, who answered to him.
Alex had the gift of being able to pat you on the back and say “well done” More importantly unlike other supervisor guys he wasn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and say “let’s get it done”
Many times my joy was to see his tail lights leave the parking lot, but when all was said & done Alex was the best boss I had, rest in peace Alex & thank-you
OBITUARY ALEXANDRE FRANZIDIS 1945 - 2010 Alexandre died peacefully January 4, 2010, at the age of sixty-four. He will be sadly missed by his wife Claudette Bertrand, his children Jean-Pierre (Indrani Barron) and Catherine (Gil Bellemare) and his brother Pierre (Aline Misrahi). A celebration of his life will take place at his home for family and friends on Thursday, January 14 and Friday, January 15 from 3 to 8 p.m. A funeral service will be held Saturday, January 16 at 11 a.m. at: Notre-Dame-des-Neiges 5366 chemin Cote-des-Neiges In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to Les amis canadiens de Bambi-Egypte or to the Jewish General Hospital Foundation.

Monday, January 4

Step to the Back.

I take my car to work everyday (that’s 2 or 3 days a week)
I fully realize that this is not the environmentally or politically thing to do. May I introduce some math. I put about twenty dollars every two weeks in gas. This includes my voyages to work. A Montreal monthly transit pass cost seventy dollars. The bus drivers in this town are crabby, and over paid, ready to strike at the drop of a hat, not their hat cause unlike other metropolitan centre’s are not required to sport uniforms (the union took care of that burden.) A average transit worker in this city looks like a slob, and hates to speak English, as a second class citizen of Quebec I guess I should be use to this self imposed atrocity.
The answer …… walk to work, try again Rocky

Sunday, January 3


Welcome to Keith’s Thoughts 2010
I didn’t know how or where to start, but while watching the CTV (Montreal edition) a story about the weather was aired. It was a story about the activities that Montrealers were doing today. One man mentioned that he had put his kid on cheesecutters, not skates but cheesecutters.
This sparked my memories of years gone by. Cheesecutters are boots with blades on each side of the boot (for balance) and make you believe you can skate.
Now….you have had a pair of cheesecutters and “skated” on a local rink, like the one in Woodland Park.
Even when wearing “cutters” I managed to fall on my backside, but then again that happens when I walk.
I went to Google images for a photo for this blog, but the only cheesecutter images I could find were pictures of things that cut cheese, weird huh?