Tuesday, October 31

Keith's Halloween Joke

Question: Why didn’t the ghost lady have babies?

Answer: ‘cause her husband had .............a hollow weenie

Sunday, October 29

Tick Tock

Well last night before I went to snore I set all my clocks back one hour.
This morning when I awoke around six thirty the sun had commenced to guild the morning skies. By eight thirty when I left for work full brightness abounded and joy filled my heart. HOWEVER this joy was tainted by the fact that when I left the store to return home an evil midnight type darkness flooded the land.
This darkness while not a sign of the apocalypse,is a sign that soon snow in huge plowable amounts would soon fall and cover that which we love.
BUT THEN AGAIN on April 1st we spring ahead one hour.

Friday, October 27

Tums, Tums, Tums, Tum

Tonight was the annual supper for the Quarter Century club of Astral / Blacks Corporation. This year the celebrations were held at a restaurant called La Milisa
http://www.churrascaria-milsa.com/index_en.html a Brazilian restaurant were the main menu was meat ( at least 10 varities) carried on skewers by constantly roving waiters. Non stop as much as you wanted till you were full. Of course there were beverages as well Apart from this selection there were two other choices on the menu but this was a meat lover’s heaven., all five of our party opted for this.
At about eight thirty the entertainment begun table, to table, section, to section…..see photo,
A wonderful time was had by all and all across the island tonight and Bob on his way back to Markham via Ottawa tonight, the almost audible sence of clogging arteries can be sensed

Thursday, October 26

Coins Pile Up

Wow, its been weeks since I posted, fact is things have been pretty quiet. Today how ever I’m as proud as can be. Mix ’96 (a local radio station) for the past few weeks in conjunction with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has been holding a fund raiser. Part of this program was putting donation banks in the mall where I work. On Tuesday they will also hold the morning show there with Cat Spencer as the host. I have the honor to report that Astral Photo needed three banks to fulfill the donations of our customers. (Rumor also has it that I had something to do with that need) I spoke with the security person collecting the banks and she told me that most banks were hardly touched some contained a few coins but some were empty, ironically one of the empty banks was from LaSenza the largest lingerie store chain in Canada, now that’s sad.
There are over two hundred stores in our mall and the campaign was for about twenty days, NOW if each store could have generated a mere one dollar a day…..well you do the math.

Friday, October 6

The 6th

It's the 6th of the month so here's my selected site http://www.stupidityawards.com/

Sunday, October 1

Only 3287.25 Days

I checked some papers today and nine years from today I can retire. Of course in that time there will be fifty-four weeks vacation. It also means only eight more Christmas Eve work days, and eight boxing days. I have more behind me then in front. When I started in 1974 I made 2.10$/hour and now, well slightly more

Truthfully this time line is amazing, so much so Im glad I have a day off Tuesday.