Of course….it’s Monday.
Most times I leave my computer on 24/7 and my connection to Sympatico connected. Only when things seem to slow down do I use the magic if a restart or on the rare occasion a complete cold boot.
This morning although I was still connected to the Internet (at least I appeared to be) I was unable to retrieve my mail or contact voluminous names on my contact list.
I said to myself…..”self” just reboot and all will be fine. So that did I.
I then made numerous attempts to connect to Sympatico, but alas to no avail.
Then with great trepidation I dialed 310 surf, resigning to myself that in moments I would be chatting with one of the wonderful habitants of East India.
Imagine my surprise when I got a voice talking to me from just east of Toronto (I know, I asked) After a series of trouble shooting steps it was established that the problem must be with Bell Canada (imagine my shock & aw )
I was assured that everything possible would be done to correct the situation. I asked what areas might be effected she said possibly just those in the 514 area code, that’s one heck of an area.
So I took advantage of this time write a blog entry, Happy Monday to all of you.