Saturday, June 30

I am Humbled

This a story that I find truly unbelievable.
On Thursday of this week, former Alouette and presently CJAD football broadcaster Tony Proudfoot announced that he was dealing with incurable ALS (Lou Gehrig disease) ALS as a rule claims its victims with in five years of discovery (
Tony is also a teacher at Dawson College where, during the September 13th attack performed possibly life saving first aid on a student.
Deserving platitudes dotted the CJAD broadcast day.
In a Keith way I wrote to Tony via email wishing him God’s speed.
Imagine my surprise when hours later I received a personalized letter from him thanking me for my wishes.
This man who has much bigger issues to deal with took the time to answer a letter from a person whom he never met.
Tony you are my Hero for 2007 !!!

Oh So Formal

A guy goes into a restaurant/lounge wearing a shirt open at the collar and is met by a bouncer who tells him he must wear a necktie to gain admission.

So the guy goes out to his car and he looks around for a necktie and discovers that he just doesn't have one. He sees a set of jumper cables in his trunk. In desperation he ties these around his neck, manages to fashion a fairly acceptable looking knot and lets the ends dangle free.

He goes back to the restaurant and the bouncer carefully looks him over for a few minutes and then says, "Well, OK, I guess you can come in - just don't start anything."

Friday, June 29

All That Jazzzzzz

This afternoon around four I decided to go to the Jazz Fest downtown.
I took my weekly shower and thought about shaving. Then I packed my dig cam and cell phone and headed for the Metro (that’s Montréal for the subway system)
While I was standing at the machine to pay my parking (five dollars for the max) another parker asked me if I would like his ticket ………… bonus !!! five bucks saved.
THEN when I got to the booth to board the train there was no one in the booth ………….. Bonus another two seventy-five saved.
I disembarked at station Place des Arts and there I was on Ste. Catherine Street smack dab in the middle of the fest.
You won’t believe what happened next, I got to a beer booth and guess what ???? naw the beer was 5.50$ but I was sorrta on a roll no?
When I got back to the parking lot at the metro Angrignon where was a lady about to put her money in the ticker dispenser so I gave her my still valid ticket, just karma I guess.

Thursday, June 28

Just a tad too Much Time on his Hands

I emailed you many about this but I felt behooved to blog. This guy is counting to 1,000,000 out loud number by number live on the net. He is a software designer and has designed an on screen counter controlled by a clicker so he doesn’t miss or repeat any numbers. He counts for about sixteen hours a day, and you can Email him about his challenge. If you do email him maybe you can mention seeing his story on my blog,
He claims it will take him till early September so have some fun give it a peek 


It’s June 28th
The world will turn as it should with laughter and tears as there is every day.
Children will be born and some people will die.
This day fourteen years ago my dad and my brother’s dad passed away.
He died in a home in Guelph Ontario. I learned of his death at about eight P.M. after I had come in from a bike ride on a muggy night much like tonight.
I spent the night in reflection. The next morning I was on an Air Canada flight to Toronto, where Dave picked me up.
Dave and I several years earlier had made pre arrangements for this occasion but we didn’t know that the end would come this soon.
His funeral was a simple affair. It took place at the Gilchrist funeral home in their chapel on July 1st after a brief visitation period. Reverent Ben Johnson conducted the service. After the service we had arranged for a small reception held in the parlors lower floor. It was attended by a few family and friends. I’m not sure why but I do remember my cousin Greg being there.
After the reception we went back to Dave’s home where we “enjoyed” a proper wake where we talk about Eric.
Some time (days I imagine) my father was cremated at the Woodlawn Crematory and then his ashes were flown back to Montreal where he now lays resting with my mother Ellie.
The Busseys weren’t a huggy group. We missed occasions when we should have said I love you, but I know we felt it in our hearts.
I am certain that what sense of humor I have came from my dad. This attribute has got me through a lot, especially these last years.
In closing, let me say Mom, Dad, Dave I love you.

Tuesday, June 26

Romanian Moonshine

I have a very good friend (who you can read about on my Feb 14th/07 blog)
Adam is from Romania and for the next few weeks Adam’s dad is visiting from the homeland.
Today I had the honor of meeting his pop, who gave me a real treat. The treat was home made liquor made from plums.
He gave it to me in a bottle marked as Scandic Pop Red Label Vodka. I asked what I should drink it with as I was told I was on my own.
I curiously put some ice in a glass and bravely decided to drink it without a mixer, I have to tell you that it is unlike any other beverage I have had before. It is very strong and could probably polish brass, clear heavy stains from my tub, or perhaps substitute for industrial strength Windex.
I write more but ……………. I think Ill have a 2nd
Thanks Dr. S, enjoy your stay, my pleasure and honour to have met you

Monday, June 25

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Little Johnny's dad was a farmer in a poor district of the country. One day his Uncle Abner came to visit.

Since there were limited accommodations, he was required to sleep in the same room with his young nephew, Little Johnny.

When Uncle Abner came into the bedroom, he saw Little Johnny kneeling at the side of the bed with his head bowed. Thinking this was the child's religious upbringing, he decided to present a good example and kneeled at the other side of the bed with his head bowed.

Little Johnny looked up and said, "Whatcha doin'?"

"Why, the same thing you're doing", replied Uncle Abner.

"Ma's gonna be mad", said Little Johnny.

"Why will she be mad?" asked Uncle Abner.

"Because the bed pan's on this side!" responded Little Johnny.

Thursday, June 21

Reality Bites

It’s late Thursday night and feel terrible. Usually I can see the glass half full but tonight I really do not even feel the desire to see the glass. It has been almost two months since I lost my job at Astral and there is no light as of yet at the end of the tunnel. Now I must admit I have not been breaking my hump to find work, most of the answers I have received are but supportive platitudes. Yesterday when I went to Impakt they told me that their concentration was on finding positions for office personnel. They assured me that my age had little to do with finding or not finding a job. They told me to keep on checking their page and call them if I thought there was anything I thought I might be interested in applying for. I have also contacted my Astral appointed councilor and await his sage advice.
The days pass slowly and often find salience in napping. When I awake nothing has changed.
I know that I am a good person and good things happen to good people, so maybe my turn is just a question of time.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to “blog” , it has become a therapeutic release for me that maybe someone is reading this I am more grateful however for my brother David who is there for me in a heartbeat.
I apologize for the tone of this entry, but I feel better having written it.
……….God bless

Monday, June 18

Hi Hi

Been a while huh ?

Well the fact is nothing much has been happening since I got back from Edmonton.

I get to bed nightly between eleven and midnight, I wake up around six thirty and up shortly after. I have my morning coffee and a bite to kick the brain into gear, while checking my Email, and checking out who is on MSN.

I click into CFRB radio and listen to the last part of the Bill Carol show and some of the Leslie Roberts Show (Montrealers will remember Leslie from CFCF TV and his dad and grandfather from CJAD radio)

By that time it is time for a second cup of coffee and a sit in the park across the street, where I bring a radio to listen to yet more talk radio with Kim Fraser on CJAD or Joe Canon on Newstalk 940.

Last Friday I had supper with Pierre and Scot (both former Astral employees) and Pierre mentioned that he was (although currently employed) looking for better work and was using the services of a firm called Impakt (yes that’s the spelling) Placement Agency.

He gave me the name of his counselor and I gave her a call before the clock had struck ten. Denise was a delight to talk to and we have a meeting to discuss my situation. Prior to our get together she requested that I Email her my resume, which I had to do a second time as the first time she was unable to open a “pdf” file so I had to resend it in “word”

Tonight I was preparing the paper work I wanted to bring with me to our rendez-vous. This includes more copies of my resume and letters of recommendation, which I am providing in English and French.

I am also making a list of my concerns, about new placements, could be some list.

So think of me on Wednesday around 11:30 and say a little prayer for me.

I will if anything happens of course let you know via “Keith’s Thoughts”
Bye for now….

Wednesday, June 6

Site of the Month

Hi, well it's the sixth of the month and as promised on the sixth of the month here is a site that I like.

This site is as much fun as informative. Simply punch in the info.

Sunday, June 3


YEG that's airport lingo for the Edmonton airport, like YUL is airport lingo for Montreal. YEG sounds like what my friend Wong likes with his bacon.

When I got to Alberta on Tuesday it was sunny and bright and has been since. When I have checked on the Montreal weather from here it seems that it has been raining ever since. Oh well....poop happens.

Everry thing here is fine and groovy.

See you soon